Darussalam Publishers and Distributors Приложения

Islam & General Health Issues 1.1
Islam & General Health IssuesA comprehensive hand book for General Health Issues and theircure with reference from Quran and Hadith. This precise and to thepoint app helps you easily scroll through Health Issues, theirSymptoms and Islamic Cures. A must have app for daily health issuereferences.Islam gives us a complete code of life, and with that it evenguides us in matters related to Health and Fitness. Islam andGeneral Health Issues will give you guidance on all health relatedissues. It has symptoms and Islamic cures for most general diseasesalong with Hadiths pertaining to a particular ailment.***FEATURES***• Understand different Medical Conditions• Learn about medical symptoms related to various illnesses• Read about General Health Issues• Understand what Islam has to say about these issues• Find out about different Islamic cures• Homemade remedies for a natural cure• Learn about the Condition, Symptom, and Diagnosis of variousmedical issues such as; Arthritis, Hernia, Sciatica, Migraine,Bacteria, Influenza, Concussion, Gastro Intestinal Pains, Acidreflux, Acne, Kidney Problems and just about anything.• Share information about different cures with friends & familyto ensure their fitnessIslam and General Health Issues gives a different perspectivefrom a general doctor. Not meant as a replacement for medicaltreatments or as a diagnostic tool, Islam and General Health Issueshelps with giving you an idea about a probable disease. IslamGeneral Health Issues is best used to consult clinical issues foran Islamic perspective on Health & Fitness. It is not just thatbut you can also combine the treatment suggested by your physicianwith a spiritual treatment.Allah has indeed created diseases but not without a cure. Wealso have Sunnah (Hadith) to further guide us in matters related tohealth. So keep up your fitness levels and stay healthy, after allhealth is a blessing we cannot take for granted.Islam and General Health Issues is sure to guide you in rightdirection with matters related to health.Don’t forget to give us a review! Your Feedback will help us ingiving you more Authentic Islamic Knowledge.Check out our Website for everything related to Islam: http://www.darussalampublishers.com/
iDreams-Interpret your Dreams 1.4.3
We forget 95% of our dreams within fiveminutes of waking up. That’s a huge amount of data—withunfathomable of potential—we forget each day, all because we don’thave a good way to record and understand it. What would happen ifwe remembered? Even better, what if we learned to make sense of it?Let Interpretation of Dreams Help you figure it out.Dream Interpretation has always been an interesting topic ofdiscussion. People love to talk about dreams, what they dreamed,what a particular dream might mean, and what it means if you dreamlucid. Lucid dreaming means that you have the ability to controlyourself in a dream; it’s an experience unlike any other.Interpretation of Dreams has been designed to make sure you areable to record your dreams before you forget them. Since usuallypeople forget most of their dreams after they fully wake up itbecomes very difficult to keep track of the dream they had. Withour Dream Alarm feature you will be prompted to record any dreamyou might have had. This way you will be able to capture your dreamand then interpret it whenever you want.World Trusted Islamic Publishers Darussalam now brings you thisamazing app for interpretation of your Dreams in the light of Quranand Sunnah.The content is taken from the Gem and bestseller by Darussalam. Theauthor is well known erudite scholar Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abd- Allahin Raashid al-Bakri (d.736AH/1336 CE).***Features***► Interpretation of Dreams through Authentic Islamic Sources.► Dream Capture Alarm; helps you capture your dreams.► You can record your dream via voice recording or text.► Enter Dream Description and iDreams will interpret it foryou.► Search bar to help you find information about what you havedreamed.► Maintain your Dreams and Interpretation Logs.► You can share your dreams & Interpretations.► Interesting Facts/Info about Dreams.In many cultures, dreams have been conceived of as channels ofcommunication with spiritual realms, also this is the case ofIslamic mysticism. Islam places a lot of emphasis on theinterpretation of dreams. TheProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:“True dreams are one of the forty-six parts of Prophethood.”(Al-Bukhari, 6472; Muslim, 4201)This app contains the most frequent signs that appear in our dreamsand their concise interpretations. It includes what it means if yousee; Rainbows, Falling stars, clouds, Mountains, Ships, Citadels,Horses, Cats, Birds, Bees, Dragons, Wolves, general items, and justabout anything at all!It is attractive, easy to use, and you can share the meaning ofyour dreams with friends and family.So get started by downloading Interpretation of dreams and get thereal meaning of your dreams.
Miracles of Allah's Messenger 2.0
Darussalam Publishers brings you thebestselling book “Miracles & Merits of Allah's Messenger” in adigital form as an Islamic app. Now you can read this wonderfulcompilation on your android gadgets instead of carrying the bookswith you. Knowledge is considered Sadaqa Jariyah in Islam, which iswhy we are keeping this Islamic ebook app absolutely FREE!Download this app and learn:i) Beautiful characteristics of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).ii) About the physical attributes and looks of Prophet Muhammad(SAW).iii) Where and when Prophet Muhammad (SAW) performed miracles bythe will of Allah.iv) How Ibn e Kathir (The author of this book) compares themiracles given to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) with those that were givento other Prophets.v) Sayings of Prophet Muhammad and how he collectively receivedthe same miracles that were granted to other Prophetsseparately.It has a very attractive design and icons. It gives you thefreedom of:1) Searching subjectively as well as objectively.2) Making your notes from any chapter and it enables you to gofrom page 1 to page 100 directly by simply dragging your fingerover the screen.3) Marking the chapters as read and unread.4) Reading the book in night mode having no strain on youreyesight.This app is an addition to Darussalam’s Islamic app collection.We (Darussalam Publishers and Distributors) would like to thankD-Tech Systems Ltd in abundance for researching, designing anddeveloping the entire idea and application. D-Tech Systems is asister concern of Darussalam. In coordination and collaborationwith D-Tech systems we are planning to develop more intriguing andfascinating applications in times to come. We have apps for Storiesof Prophets and Islam book for kids.If you download and like this free Islamic E-Book, kindly giveus feedback through your Ratings and Reviews.Free Darussalam Publisher's apps are also available in the iOSApp Store.Amazon Kindle Book Storehttp://goo.gl/loZQtH
Supplications of Islam - Duas 2.3.1
When it comes to Supplications of Islam thereare so many ways one can earn countless blessings. Did you knowthere is an invocation for almost everything we do!From the time when we perform Ablution (Wudu), going to theMosque, to beginning your Prayer, there are supplications for justabout everything. There are Supplications related to Manners so youknow the invocation for visiting the sick, sneezing, Anger, gettingdressed, going to the restroom, for enemies, and even for settlinga debt. With Supplications of Islam you can always be sure to findthe right invocation for you.Search and Read Islamic Supplications along with Islamic Duasright from your Android Device!Supplication Categories include:• Mosque and Prayers (going to the mosque, entering the mosqueetc.)• General (protection of children, worry and grief etc.)• Manners Related (anger, sneezing etc.)• Daily Usage (getting dressed, completing ablution etc.)Users are free to share invocations with friends & familyvia social sharing or they can add them to their favourites.The World of Islam is filled with so many ways Muslims can getso many blessings and move on to being a better human being. ThisIslamic App can serve as the perfect Islamic companion App with ourother Islamic Apps.Don’t forget to visit our website at http://www.darussalampublishers.com/ for moreinformation.
Qur'an Karim(Koran) 1.0.5
Recite the Holy Qur’an in Arabic with easy tounderstand English translation. This interesting Islamic app helpsyou not to miss your regular Quran recitation and earn blessingsfrom Almighty Allah. This Quran Karim application has some decentfeatures alongside captivating graphics. You can recite as per the‘Surah’ as well as ‘Chapters’ as both options have been madeavailable. This makes it easy for the reader to search theSurah/Chapter of his/her choice and restart reading where he/sheleft last time.With the Koran (Quran) app, users can bookmark thechapter/surah/ayah of their choice and save them for the futurereferences. Users enjoy a range of features like bookmarks andsearch. In addition, the Quran English translation has been made ina simple and easy to understand language. This is to ensure thatyou do not have to consult dictionary, while reading Englishtranslation of the Holy Quran.Finally, our Quran Karim app provides information about us (thedevelopers), bookmarks details, and other Islamic appsdeveloped/designed by Darussalam Publishers. Users can just tap on‘other apps’ and land on the list of Islamic applications byDarussalam. Download a range of games and apps by D-Tech and enjoya blessed experience.
Therapy from Quran and Ahadith 1.3
Darussalam Publishers brings you thebestselling book “Therapy from Quran and Ahadith” in a digitalform. Now you can read this wonderful compilation on your Androidgadgets instead of carrying the books with you. Knowledge isconsidered Sadaqa Jariyah in Islam, which is why we are keepingthis ebook app absolutely FREE!Download this app and learn:i) To acquaint your actions and behaviors in the light of Quranand Ahadith.ii) To treat the people who have gone beyond unacceptable moralsand values.iii) To challenge distressing psychological thoughts andbehaviors.iv) To build a strong character on the basis of Quran andAhadith.It has a very attractive design and icons. It gives you thefreedom of:Searching subjectively as well as objectively.1) Making your notes from any chapter and it enables you to gofrom page 1 to page 100 directly by simply dragging 2) your fingerover the screen.3) Marking the chapters as read and unread.4) Reading the book in night mode having no strain on youreyesight.We (Darussalam Publishers and Distributors) would like to thankD-Tech Systems Ltd in abundance for researching, designing anddeveloping the entire idea and application. D-Tech Systems is asister concern of Darussalam. In coordination and collaborationwith D-Tech systems we are planning to develop more intriguing andfascinating applications in times to come.Don't forget to take a look at more of our Islamic Apps andcomplete your Islamic App Collection today! With the Prophetsprayer, sayings of the Prophet, and our Quran learning app you canbe sure to get authentic Islamic knowledge.If you download and like this islamic E-Book, kindly give usfeedback through your Ratings and Reviews.Free Darussalam Publisher's apps are also available in the iOS AppStore.Amazon Kindle Book Storehttp://goo.gl/loZQtH
Qurani Qaida PRO 1.1.5
Experience the power of digital learning!Qurani Qaida Pro version is finally here!The Holy Quran is supposed to be read with correct accent andTajweed. That said Qurani Qaida Pro has been designed to make surethat learning how to read the Quran is simple and easy. It offersbeginners a complete learning experience with an introduction toall the Arabic letters to complete Arabic words.Users will be able to experience two different styles of Tajweeddepending on their preferences that include the Arabic recitationstyle along with Urdu recitation as well. You can even choosedifferent Tutors depending on their Talawat style. Qurani Qaida Prowill be able to provide all kinds of users with a chance to brushup their Quranic Tajweed.***FEATURES***• 23 Lessons of Fun & Learning• My Qaida Feature for Personalized lessons• Letter by letter pronunciation• Multiple Qari options• Record your own Recitations• Sharing options to invite your friends• User-friendly Interface• Easy navigation• No Annoying AdsQurani Qaida Pro has 23 lessons ranging from basic Arabic alphabetsto complex Arabic words. These lessons have interactive quizzes atthe end to make sure the user retains what they have learnt. If auser does not pass a quiz they cannot go to the next lesson, thisensures that a user cannot skip their way ahead to other lessons.Users can even record their recitation of different verses of theHoly Quran to listen if their Talawat pronunciation is spoton.This is just like a Noorani Qaeda but much more user friendly.Authenticated by famous Qaris/Reciters from all over the WorldQurani Qaida Pro is packed with features to promote IslamicLearning so download Qurani Qaida Pro and get your Child startedwith how to Read the Holy Quran.Don’t forget to check out our other Children Islamic Apps. Be sureto give us a rating along with Feedback so we can improve theoverall User Experience. Feel free to suggest any Islamic Apps forKids that you would like us to work on.Note: Not recommended for older devices or small screensizes.
The Story of Adam Pro 1.0
►►►This is the Pro version of The Story ofAdam.◄◄◄More Story - More Screens - More Artwork - Loads of Interactions- Fantastic Animations - A Complete Visual ExperienceThe Story of Adam is an interactive Story Book that will takeyou on a journey to the beginning of time. Relive how Adam wascreated, how Devil disobeyed Allah, and why Adam was sent to Earth.Mesmerise yourself in amazing illustrations that will leave youspeechless. We've got a number of hidden interactions so make sureyou find them all!***What’s Inside***► Visually Stunning Artwork► Story like Narrations► Colourful Animations► Over 50 Fun Interactions***Features***► Auto Play option so you can sit back and listen► Or you can go through the story at your own pace► Tilt the device to glide across screens► Find Hidden InteractionsExperience all this in a never seen before way, a must in earlyIslamic education!Story of Adam provides a captivating experience for children ofall ages, with hours of playback, fun animations, engaginginteractions, and exciting sounds, children are sure to show agreat response to learning about Islamic History.Enjoy this interactive story book made specially for childrenfilled with fun animations, interactions, narration, and visuallystunning artwork. We have more Islamic stories lined up for youbased on Prophet Stories. If you like this app make sure to give usa rating.
Life Story of Sayyida Khadijah 2.0
This app is a key to the eminent personalityof Ummul Momineen – Hazrat Khadija (R.Z.) stands out for offeringeverything at her disposal in the way of Islam and the Holy Prophet(P.B.U.H).Hazrat Khadija (R.Z) is a role model for all Muslim women and animportant figure in the early development of Islam who exemplifiedthe ideal wife for Muslim women and demonstrated Islam's earlyappreciation of women leaders. Her contributions to Islam arenumerous. She was the first person to convert to Islam. This earnedher yet another title as "Mother of the Believers”.By having this app we can go through the whole life of HazratKhadija (R.Z). It covers and guides us in every aspect of life forwomen and men as well. It inspires us, motivate us .This appprovides a life changing perspective for Muslim women to bringchange in their life.To all those who love and respect the House of Muhammad (Peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) and seek to follow in theirfootsteps.This app is “The Must” for every Muslim family. It served as apractical manual for Muslim women to achieve harmony and peace inlife and hereafter.We (Darussalam Publishers and Distributors) would like to thankD-Tech Systems Ltd in abundance for researching, designing anddeveloping the entire idea and application. D-Tech Systems is asister concern of Darussalam. In coordination and collaborationwith D-Tech systems we are planning to develop more intriguing andfascinating applications in times to come.Complete your Islamic App Collection by downloading all ourIslamic Apps that include the Prophets Prayer, Stories of theProphets, and Islamic Books.More apps by Darussalam Publishers an be search out on GooglePlay by using these keywordsislamic apps, islamic app collection, the prophets prayer, storiesof the prophets.If you download and like this islamic app, kindly give usfeedback through your Ratings and Reviews.Free Darussalam Publisher's apps are also available in the iOS AppStore.Amazon Kindle Book Storehttp://goo.gl/loZQtH
The Story Of Adam - StoryBook 1.0
►►►This is the Free version of The StoryofAdam.◄◄◄The Story of Adam is an interactive Story that will take you onajourney to the beginning of time. Relive how Adam was created,howDevil disobeyed Allah, and why Adam was sent to Earth.Mesmeriseyourself in amazing illustrations that will leave youspeechless.We've got a number of hidden interactions so make sureyou find themall!With this Interactive Storybook you will be presentedwithnumerous animations and interaction points that are sure tohelpwith the learning process. With such an amazingStorybookexperience children of all ages will be more than happy tospendhours at the time playing with it. It’s nothing short ofaChildren’s App with fascinating sounds, narration, andawesomedigital artwork!***What’s Inside***► Visually Stunning Digital Artwork► Story like Narrations► Colourful Animations► Over 50 Fun Interactions***Features***► Auto Play storybook option so you can sit back andlisten► Or you can go through the storybook at your own pace► Tilt the device to glide across screens► Find Hidden InteractionsExperience all this in a never seen before way, a must inearlyIslamic education!Story of Adam provides a captivating experience for childrenofall ages, with hours of playback, fun animations,engaginginteractions, and exciting sounds, children are sure toshow agreat response to learning about Islamic History.
The Valley Came Alive 1.1
Darussalam Publishers brings youthebestselling book “The Valley Came Alive” in a digital form. Nowyoucan read this wonderful compilation on your Android gadgetsinsteadof carrying the books with you. Knowledge is consideredSadaqaJariyah in Islam, which is why we are keeping this ebookappabsolutely FREE!Download this app and learn:i) How Prophet Muhammad (SAW) became an exemplary, uniqueandvirtuous personality for Muslims to follow.ii) What are the events, battles he fought, military campaign heranand the delegations that met him in his noble life.iii) Why Muhammad (SAW) is the role model for humanity till theendof the world?It has a very attractive design and icons. It gives youthefreedom of:Searching subjectively as well as objectively.1) Making your notes from any chapter and it enables you togofrom page 1 to page 100 directly by simply dragging 2) yourfingerover the screen.3) Marking the chapters as read and unread.4) Reading the book in night mode having no strain onyoureyesight.We (Darussalam Publishers and Distributors) would like tothankD-Tech Systems Ltd in abundance for researching, designinganddeveloping the entire idea and application. D-Tech Systems isasister concern of Darussalam. In coordination andcollaborationwith D-Tech systems we are planning to develop moreintriguing andfascinating applications in times to come.There are numerous Islamic Apps that have been developedbyDarussalam Publishers, complete your Islamic App Collectionbydownloading our free Islamic books along with our Islamic Apps.Weeven have books for kids to promote early Islamic education.If you download and like this islamic E-Book, kindly giveusfeedback through your Ratings and Reviews.Free Darussalam Publisher's apps are also available in the iOSAppStore.Amazon Kindle Book Storehttp://goo.gl/loZQtH
In Defence of the True Faith 1.2
Darussalam Publishers brings youthebestselling book “In Defence of True faith” in a digital form.Nowyou can read this wonderful compilation on your Androidgadgetsinstead of carrying the books with you. Knowledge isconsideredSadaqa Jariyah in Islam, which is why we are keeping thisebooksapp absolutely FREE!Download this app and learn:1) To educate the humanity about the Battles under theleadershipof Prophet Muhammad (SAW)2) Prophet Muhammad (SAW) commanded the army.3) It covers the momentous events from the Battle of Badr totheBattle of Mu’tah.4) To provide invaluable lessons to humanity now and forever.5) To know under which circumstances Prophet Muhammad (SAW)didpeace treaties with the enemies.It has a very attractive design and icons. It gives youthefreedom of:i) Searching subjectively as well as objectively.ii) Making your notes from any chapter and it enables you to gofrompage 1 to page 100 directly by simply dragging your fingerover thescreen.iii) Marking the chapters as read and unread.iv) Reading the book in night mode having no strain onyoureyesight.If you are looking for an Islamic App Collection then checkoutall our other Apps. We have an extensive collection of FreeIslamicBooks, Books for kids, Stories, useful Apps, and a lotmore!If you download and like this islamic ebook, kindly giveusfeedback through your Ratings and Reviews.Free Darussalam Publisher's apps are also available in the iOSAppStore.Amazon Kindle Book Storehttp://goo.gl/loZQtH
Ramadan All-in-One Utility 1.1.4
The must have App for the Month of Ramadan!The Holy Month of Ramadan brings Muslims all around the worldasense of tranquillity and peace. It’s the time when Muslimsdevotethemselves completely to Allah through; fasting, praying,andcomplete devotion.Keeping the spirit of Ramadan in mind Darussalam Publishershavecome up with an all in one Ramadan App that will help you makethemost out of Ramadhan. From Fasting to Taraveeh PrayersRamadanKareem App has everything to make Ramadan 2014 fullofblessings.***Features***► Prayer & Ibadah► Ramadan Calendar► Prayer Timings according to Location► Sehri & Iftar Alarms► Duas for Ramadan► Fasting Benefits► Ramadan Time Table► Supplications for the Ramadan Kareem► Daily Blessings & Gifts► Ayat of the Day► Hadith of the Day► Dua of the Day► Sunnah of the Day► Ramadan Fact of the DayAlso, we will be updating our app very soon with somenewfeatures that will include a Tasbeeh Counter so you can keepcountof your Dhikr, and a Qibla Compass to find out the exactdirectionof the Qibla.Ramadan Kareem App is easy to use, has loads offunctionalities,and has a lot of Islamic content to give youmaximum knowledge.Be sure to visit Darussalam Publishersonhttp://www.darussalampublishers.com/ to get the fullRamdanexperience!
Tasbeeh-Praise Counter 1.3
Tasbih is voluntary prayers in Islam. Throughtasbeeh Muslims keep track of their Dhikr and Azkar. Dhikr is doneto glorify Allah night and day as Allah says in the HolyQuran.Quran (Surah 13: Verse28) “Verily, in the remembrance of Allah dohearts find rest”.Muslims do Dua, Durood, Wazifa, Dhikr/Zikir for countless rewards.This Tasbeeh-Praise Counter app will let you to keep track of yourzikr and help you to maintain spiritual connection withAllah. • Tasbih • Save daily Ibadah • 6 different zikr • Azkar count save independently • Daily Ibadah check list • Auto save • Beautiful graphics • Best Islamic ToolThis Islamic tool will help in remembrance of Allah. Do visit ourwebsite: www.darussalampublishers.com/
eDarussalam – Islamic Ebooks L 1.2
Read Islamic books sorted into categories and increase your Islamicknowledge.
Asma Ul Husna Allah's 99 Names 1.9.2
Let Holiness flow from your device! Read, Listen, and Understandthe99 Names of Allah (Asma Ul Husna) on your Android! Bring theseHolyNames of Allah closer to your heart while immersing yourselfin abeautiful user interface that is easy to use. You will be abletoexperience the 99 Names of Allah Asma ul Husna withbeautifulcalligraphy, English translation, and pronunciation. ThisfreeIslamic app will allow you to increase your blessings throughthemiraculous power of the 99 Allah Names. It has been mentionedinHadith (Ahadiths) that whoever recites and remembers the namesofAllah will have forgiveness in the Hereafter. Features: •Scrollthrough beautiful names of Allah (Asma Ul Husna) •Discovermeanings of all the names of Allah • Listen to Arabicaudionarration in spiritual style • Listen to the 99 Names one byone oruse the Auto play function • Easy to Read Arabic Font •Exclusivetransliteration in English font with Pronunciation •Spread Islamand share the Name of Allah with your Friends andFamily onFacebook and Twitter (can be set to Auto Sharing) • BrowsethroughAsma Ul Husna with swipe functionality • Pure traditionalIslamicdesign With these 99 Names of Allah you can be sure toeasilyrecall Allah names with ease. Just play it and startlistening,it’s that simple! For more information about Asma UlHusna andeverything about Islam do visit our websiteat:http://www.darussalampublishers.com/
Qibla Compass - Find Qibla 2.0.1
Have you ever experienced a situation, where you are in a newplaceand want to offer a prayer but don’t know theQibla/Kabladirection. Darussalam Publishers has the answer to thisproblem. AsMuslims pray five times a day. To offer prayers you haveto facetowards the Kaaba/Qibla/Mecca. To find the right directionof Qiblawe present to you Qibla Compass-Find Qibla DirectionApplication.This Islamic direction finder tool will tell you therightdirection of Kaaba during your travel. This application willshowyou the right praying direction through GPRS and without GPRSbyusing manual input of your location. Through this compass onecanfind and also guide others to offer prayer towards therightdirection. *****Features***** ► Compass. ► Qibla direction.►Through GPS. ► Set your location manually, NO GPS. ► Canworkoffline. ► Beautiful graphics. ► Best Islamic tool. ThisIslamicTool can help the Muslims to offer prayer in the directionofKibla. This Islamic App can serve as companion along with ourrestof other Islamic Apps. Do visit ourwebsite:http://www.darussalampublishers.com/
Muslim Kids' Dua Coloring Book 1.2
Don’t have much time or money to go out and buy your childrenacoloring book? Don’t worry, Daruusalam Publishers proudlypresentsits free coloring app for the kids of 21st century. ThisIslamicKids Coloring application teaches kids about manners andetiquetteof a muslin child in a fun and interactive way, where achild canlearn specific Islamic supplications by using a visual andaudiocoloring book. On each coloring page a kid can usedifferentcoloring tools e.g. paint brush, paint bucket and eraser.For e.g.a Muslim kid can learn about supplication for entering andexitingmosque, visiting sick person, before going to sleep, usingtoilet,washing hands in an easy and fun manner where by using paintbrushstrokes and imagination, child can learn about differentIslamicDuas/Verses/Ayat in an engaging manner, that woulddefinitely lastlong. This Islamic app is the modern way to teachyour kids goodhabits in very interactive way. Kids can learn dailyduas bylistening to an audio or reading the supplication. Thelearning ofchild starts from very young age. The imaginative andpreciousartistic work of young ones’ can be saved by screenshot.Share thework of art through social media. A comprehensive Learningtool forkids to teach them Good manners. Features ► Voice GuidanceforDu'as (prayers) ► Visual Teachings ► Learn by Coloring ►SocialMedia Sharing ► Brush and Bucket Tools ► Screenshot ►Learningthrough Audio ► Build good habits ► Learn ArabicPronunciation ►Learning tool for kids
Description of Paradise 2.0
Darussalam Publishers brings you the bestselling book“Descriptionof Paradise” in a digital form as an Islamic app. Nowyou can readthis wonderful compilation on your android gadgetsinstead ofcarrying the books with you. Knowledge is consideredSadaqa Jariyahin Islam, which is why we are keeping this Islamicebook appabsolutely FREE! Download this app and learn: 1) To striveandstruggle for the eternal life of happiness in Paradise(Heaven,Eden). To adopt the most attractive ways of communication.2)Linguistic meaning, describes the degrees and vastness of it.3)The dwellings and the surroundings of the people of theparadise(from the clothing, ornaments, couches, thrones and wivesof thedwellers of paradise to the penultimate, which is the seeingofAllah SWT in paradise). 4) About the distinct and differenttypesof weather and rivers which the holders of paradise wouldbeexhibiting. 5) What sort of fruit and provision dwellersofParadise would be entertained with? 6) About thedifferentdialogues, conversations and discussions they would behaving witheach other and with the dwellers of Hell in the light ofQuran& Sunnah. It has a very attractive design and icons. Itgivesyou the freedom of: • Searching subjectively as wellasobjectively. • Making your notes from any chapter and itenablesyou to go from page 1 to page 100 directly by simplydragging yourfinger over the screen. • Marking the chapters as readand unread.• Reading the book in night mode having no strain onyour eyesight.This app is an addition to Darussalam’s Islamic appcollection. We(Darussalam Publishers and Distributors) would liketo thank D-TechSystems Ltd in abundance for researching, designingand developingthe entire idea and application. D-Tech Systems is asister concernof Darussalam. In coordination and collaboration withD-Techsystems we are planning to develop more intriguing andfascinatingapplications in times to come. We have apps for Storiesof Prophetsand Islam book for kids. If you download and like thisislamic bookapp, kindly give us feedback through your Ratings andReviews. FreeDarussalam Publisher's apps are also available in theiOS AppStore. Amazon Kindle Book Store http://goo.gl/loZQtH